"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, February 22, 2004

CAP & Stem Cell Research

Comsumer Association of Penang's president, SM Mohammad Idris, has been getting of everyone's nerves. He has reshaped himself to champion the rights of patients and has repeatedly unjustifiably attacked the integrity of doctors. He even recently tried to lecture doctors in medicine in particular gender-based issues. This comes from someone with no medical background who probably does not understand much about what he is saying. A little knowledge for him is certainly a dangerous thing. Why is he doing this? For popularity perhaps? I guess the best strategy is to ignore such fools.

Stem cell research has been growing in popularity. It could be the next medical breakthrough for diseases incurable before this, for example, diabetes, parkinson's, heart disease etc... Although it will take further research, i am sure one fine day the breakthrough will be achieved.

Stem Cell Information, National Institute of Health


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