"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Sex sex sex.... too much or too little??

Expert: More sex is good for you
PETALING JAYA: An active sex life improves health, reduces mortality rate and strengthens a couple’s bond, said a prominent Australian sex therapist. Dr Rosie King, a renowned expert on men and women’s sexual health, said a 10-year study found that those who had sex twice a week had a mortality rate that was half of those who had sex once a month. “Sex is good for you and marriage is good for your health,” she said when revealing the findings of the Caerphilly Cohort Study on men aged 45 to 59. ......................
The Star

Looks like you can never have enough of sex. 918 men were selected in this study between 1979 and 1983. WOW! it has been more than 20 years.... and those men who were in the high orgasmic frequency group were having sex at least twice per week. I really wonder how they kept that up... They were 46-59 at the time of recruitment .... so now they should be around 66-80.... I find it hard to believe!!.... I guess in a small place like Caerphilly in the south of Wales, they have nothing else to do!!!

Also note that the test for trend between all cause mortality and frequency of orgasm were just marginally statistically significant with p values close to 0.05. In simple terms, it could be by chance that such a result is achieved.

There are more questions than answers. But it is a wonder how the media makes fallacies into facts. It is juicy for sure. Of course sex therapists will promote this.... you know even a dog does not have sex 2 or more times a week!!( I think lah.. just to stress a point for those vets who may be reading)... how many actually achieve this????? not many for sure.... business opportunity for sex therapists,perhaps....

and by the way, not many will say that marriage will be good for health.. ;-)

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