Movie Magic
Based on the popular 1970's TV series, the story follows the titular pair of bachelor undercover cops (Ben Stiller as Dave Starsky, Owen Wilson as Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson), focusing on how the duo first meet and the first time they team up for their first big case: uncovering a cocaine operation run by a big-time drug dealer named Reese (Vince Vaughn). The two zoom around town in a red and white 1974 Ford Torino, solving crimes with the help of Huggy Bear (Snoop Dogg), their street informant, and annoying their boss, Captain Dobey (Fred Williamson).
A hilarious movie, something we expect from Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. An odd couple. However their acting appear strikingly familiar with their previous roles. It was indeed a sharp contrast to the original cast of serious crime fighting. Nevertheless , it is an entertaining movie and i would give it a 6.5 out of 10.
Based on the popular 1970's TV series, the story follows the titular pair of bachelor undercover cops (Ben Stiller as Dave Starsky, Owen Wilson as Ken "Hutch" Hutchinson), focusing on how the duo first meet and the first time they team up for their first big case: uncovering a cocaine operation run by a big-time drug dealer named Reese (Vince Vaughn). The two zoom around town in a red and white 1974 Ford Torino, solving crimes with the help of Huggy Bear (Snoop Dogg), their street informant, and annoying their boss, Captain Dobey (Fred Williamson).
A hilarious movie, something we expect from Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson. An odd couple. However their acting appear strikingly familiar with their previous roles. It was indeed a sharp contrast to the original cast of serious crime fighting. Nevertheless , it is an entertaining movie and i would give it a 6.5 out of 10.
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