"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Fighting Graft

Recently in The Star,
PM: I want to make Malaysia more competitive
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's anti-corruption campaign coupled with widespread reforms of public and state-owned companies is to make the country more competitive, said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The Prime Minister said he was determined to cut the cost of doing business, fight corruption and trim bureaucracy as well as boost efficiency in state-controlled companies.

Finally the PM has ackowledged the need to fight corruption. It is widespread and threatens to cripple our fragile economy. Declaring war on corruption is like declaring war on terrorism. The enemy is not evident as it assimilates well into society. This war requires sacrifice, commitment and bravery. The process will uncover more enemies than friends. However, it is a necessary battle.

We need to empower our Anti Corruption Agency. It is currently limited in its powers and pretty much still under the control of the federal government. To function effectively and fairly, we need to make the ACA an independant entity. Until that is achieved, the ACA will not have the credibility that is due to them and will be continually viewed as an extension of the Government's propaganda machinery. Gaining independence will ensure that it can investigate even top Government officials and politicians without fear or favour. They should be placed under the authority of the King.

It is sickening that we still see blatant evidences of corruption still in our midst. Ask any top businessman and they will tell you that it is part and parcel of doing business in Malaysia be it with the Government or otherwise. Many misuse the authority and responsibility entrusted to them to satisfy their lust for money. When will they be held accountable?

I hope that the PM will turn words into actions. It is time to fight for Malaysia if it is to be a developed and competitive nation. The best place to start is the very force that has been entrusted to ensure security, our police!


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