"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Brain Gain Failure

It was finally acknowledged that the Brain Gain programme has failed. The reasons I think are fairly apparent. The perks and the managerial style leaves much to be desired. However, our Government appears to be still looking without rather than within the country for talents. What is the point of attracting talents from abroad when those in the country are leaving in droves?

The recent Budget ignored doctors completely. There is nothing to look forward to. The strategy should be to channel the resources that have been used to woo foreign based doctors to more concrete plans for local ones. There is much talent locally that have been totally ignored by our politicians who still feel that foreign is better! This mentality should have been left behind with the end of colonialism in Malaysia.

Malaysia would like to be a well developed nation even in medicine with their aspirations to link with CDC in Atlanta. Unfortunately, little do they realise that research requires cash, something that is hardly available with many research projects poorly funded. The Government expects good research at the lowest of costs. It makes it a hardly condusive environment for top notch researchers. We need to put our priorities in order. At the moment, the impression is that military gadgetary supersedes medical development.

The Government should do some soul searching. When the Brain Gain scheme is reviewed to better salaries, research grants, loans and infrastructure in December, please include local talents. It is time it believes in Malaysians in Malaysia rather than those who may not have Malaysian spirit at heart, abroad!


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