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Sunday, February 06, 2005

Surfing to infertility

Laptops and the Male Lap
06 Feb 2005

Taking saunas and hot baths or wearing tight underwear should be avoided by men seeking to have children, because these activities raise the scrotum's temperature.

Should laptop computers be added to the list? UAB urologist Peter N. Kolettis, M.D., a specialist in male infertility, said, “One pilot study in the literature shows that laptops can elevate scrotal temperature, and we know sperm production can be impaired by higher temperatures in that region. More research needs to be done to make a specific correlation, but I discourage patients from any prolonged exposure to scrotal heat. If my patients use a laptop, I suggest they use a pillow for insulation - or place the computer on a table.”

One less reason to use your laptop on your lap. The term "notebook" is more apt. Perhaps if the above is true, I may need to get a sperm count some time down the road! No doubt elevated temperature decreases fertility. Theoretically, the heat from prolonged usage of a notebook on your lap could potentially elevate scrotal temperature to the extent of decreasing fertility. Perhaps all men should wear Scottish kilts. ;) And why on earth do we need to wear underwear? That could potentially be included in clinical practice guidelines for maintaining men's fertility in future!!


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