"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Friday, November 11, 2005

University politics

The recent furore surrounding the legal actions taken against students purportedly for inciting a boycott of a recent university election is a testimony to the repression of a basic human right, freedom of speech. Our political leaders are well aware of the fact that student bodies can become powerful political tools and can wield considerable influence on the university students. Allowing students not aligned to the ruling government will be seen as a threat to national security.

I find this a dangerous precedent and does not augur well for the future of this country. A university should be an oasis for the expression of ideas, free from political repression. Even if the university feels that its election rules have been violated, it should be dealt internally and transparently. Subjecting these students to legal actions with severe penalties of a "real" world signifies the intent to force submission and remove a possibly future threat to the current political establishment. Students are no longer allowed to grow as unique individuals but rather expected to conform to a particular ideology.

Removing this basic right in the name of maintaining stability in this country is lame. By not allowing the discussion of 'sensitive' topics and unconventional political ideas, we are not allowing Malaysia to grow as a nation. Thus Malaysians remains immature in their thoughts and thus only serves to create an artificial environment of harmony and stability.

Protecting the independence of universities from political parties and upholding the right of expression of its students is an important step, if we are ensure that our future generations are not merely clones but an improved version of our current generation.


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