"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Monday, June 05, 2006

Lack of planning and enforcement

Letter to malaysiakini.com,

Malaysians love rushing
PT Tan
Jun 5, 06 3:50pm
I refer to JTB’s letter that AirAsia passengers needs the rotan and totally disagree with him. Sure we all rush and squeeze and cut queues but what is the underlying reason?

Lack of proper planning and enforcement. Take one example, the customs and immigration control down south. On the Johor side, mayhem. The Singapore side? Orderly. continuing story..

I cannot but agree with the author of this above letter. Visiting a hospital will only highlight the nature of Malaysians in general. They pack hallways totally oblivious to what happens around them, ignoring the nurses pleas for them to vacate their spots. They rush into elevators without giving a thought for those walking out. They smoke in corridors and stairwells knowing very well that it is a non-smoking zone in hospitals. They totally disregard visiting hours. Why?

Lack of enforcement. There are rules but nobody bothers to enforce them. It boils down to a weak and incompetent management. There is also poor planning when it comes to hospital designs and policies. On most occasions, time is wasted on bickering about irrelevant details.

What makes a developed nation is not the physical infrastructure but the human capital that the nation possesses. Looks like Malaysians have missed the point of vision 2020 or was the visionary visually impaired after all?


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