"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Monk Hunt : The world watches silently

As the world shifts it's attention away from Burma, it's ruling military junta continues to oppress pro democratic reformists. Realising that the world can only watch haplessly, they have even bravely detained much revered Buddhist monks, even to the extent of defrocking them. I appears only God can help Burma now.

One cannot help but realise, where is the United States when it's help is much needed here? A military ruler not dissimilar to the one in Iraq minus the oil. Leaving the duties to a paralysed United Nations and an untalented negotiator, only signifies a lame attempt at diciplining a military regime that commits atrocities.

ASEAN is equally disappointing opting to stay away instead of intervening. Admitting Burma to ASEAN was a mistake that must be corrected. There cannot be economic co-operation when the nation of Burma is powered by an elite group of thugs. ASEAN needs to reinvent itself and not limit its role to just a historically economic one. It is a shame that Malaysia remains silent and not condemn a military regime that recognises no human rights. ASEAN may not act but Malaysia can.

A media blackout has silenced news of the atrocities that are probably ongoing. I am afraid that the monks and the people of Burma are alone on this one. We have let a golden opportunity to turn Burma into a democratic nation, slip by.


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