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Tony Blair 2005

Monday, July 06, 2009

Nuclear danger

It still puzzles me that Malaysia is still entertaining the use of nuclear power. Have we truly exhausted all other possibilities? We are often fed with the notion that nuclear power is clean but that is certainly a misdirection.

Mankind has still not figuredhow to dispose of nuclear waste. It is currently being stored in special containment areas which are expensive to run as these waste stays active for years. So the cost is not ony to maintain the nuclear power plant but its deadly waste as well.

In the era of terrorism and piracy which is so rampant in South East Asia, radioactive materials will be juicy target. The consequences of such materials falling into the wrong hands is unimaginable.

I suggest that Malaysia invests the money in researching other more environmentally friendly energy sources. Solar power or other replenishable organic sources could be further explored.


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