"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Monday, March 01, 2004


Incestual rape and incest offenders are becoming more common. It is currently hoped that stricter laws can be imposed on such criminals. An amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code allow punishment from a minimum of 15 to 30 years jail and a minimum of 10 strokes of the rotan. Criminals above 50 previously spared under this Code are now eligible to be whipped after a medical approval from a medical officer. However, if there is an element of consent, then the sentence is usually reduced.

We live in a male-dominated society in Malaysia. Many offenders do get away scot free due to intimidation and feelings of guilt of the victim. Many family members especially wives protect their husbands, even if they knew such offences have been commited on their own children. Some even fault their children. As many women still fear their man in this society, many cases go unreported.

We need to remove these barriers. We need to educate women and children alike. We need to educate our chauvinistic males as well. All these to protect our children from sexual predators. We need to empower our women. We need a ready and easily available place to report such crimes. We need good counsellors. In short, we need change.

A change in current mindset on sexual dominance, a change in the laws of the land, a change in the attitude of the public, a change to the health support system and its staff and a change in mentality of our women.

Information is still scarce. Hotline numbers are not prominently displayed. Cases are still fraught with bureaucratic processes and a police force that is poorly trained and ill-equiped to handle such cases with delicate care.

Prosecuting offenders is essential but so is the continuing support of the victims. Damage continues even after the case has long been closed. Such victims usually suffer silently and are prone to mental disorders for example clinical depression, post traumatic stress disorder, sexual disorders etc. Do we provide such support to victims?

My search of the internet did not result in any find for malaysian websites. None in bahasa malaysia for sure. Newspapers are not much use either as information is scarce and more politically motivated. Why? We are suppose to be at the forefront of information technology with the MSC. Unfortunately , it remains an illusion.

Rape, abuse and incest national network
Survivors of Incest Anonymous, World Service Office Inc.
VOICES (Victims of Incest Can Emerge Survivors)
Domestic violence and incest resource center
Abuse/Incest Support (about.com)


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