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Tony Blair 2005

Thursday, March 04, 2004

New lines of stem cells discovered, opens new debate for stem cell research

17 new lines of human embryonic stem cell lines were discovered recently. Embryonic stem cells are precursor cells found in human embryos and they have the ability to become any type of cell in a human body. In this new field of regenerative medicine, there is great hope that these stem cells will one day cure diseases like diabetes and Parkinsons Disease. Nevertheless , research in embryonic stem cells are fraught with ethical dilemmas.

For one, stem cells can only be derived from human embryos. Researchers now use embryos from abortion clinics. Their argument is that it is going to be discarded anyway. Anti abortion activists are of course against it ,so are most religious groups. So we are left with a decision of whether to support science or religion. Personally, i see stem cells as a probable solution to many illnesses that plaque mankind. It is only my hope that one day these stem cells could be reproduced synthetically without the sacrifises of human embryos. Hmm.. by cloning perhaps? Another area of quicksand!

Would you support embryonic stem cell research?

Stem Cell News
Stem Cell Basics - basic information on stem cells! Good read!


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