"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Wrong move by MOH

In the NST today,

Son's letter brings ray of hope

A LETTER to a newspaper over the cancellation of an appointment for an eye operation for Siti Tabran, 70, not only brought doctors and specialists but also the Deputy Health Minister to her home.

Newly appointed Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abd Latiff Ahmad visited Siti at her house in Kampung Kelompok Hala Cara Baru, Parit 16, Sungai Panjang, Selangor and was briefed on her condition by eye specialist Dr Tan Lian Hong (right).

Siti's son Mohd Taufik Ismail, in his letter to Harian Metro which was published on Monday, said the cancellation of the appointment at the Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah in Klang was not fair since her sight had been deteriorating and added that doctors had told him that the operation was postponed to September.

This article reflects hypocrisy. Firstly, the Ministry of Health should not have bowed to pressures from the press to score political points. This stunt appeared to have been orchestrated to gain political mileage! It only sends out the wrong message to the public that their grouses will only be heard through the press.

Siti Tabran most likely has cataracts which is a non urgent case! Some patients including government officers wait for months for their turn on the operating table. Urgent cases are always given the priority and nothing or no one should interfere with that. Certainly not the Deputy Health Minister!

This is not the way to a patient-friendly approach. It was an irresponsible and incorrect move by the Ministry of Health in addressing the issue. The more proper method would have been to issue a reply letter explaining the situation and the reasons for the postponement of the operation. No one should hold the Government at ransom for personal gains!

Mohd Taufik was unhappy and he should have brought the matter up with the hospital director! Bulldozing your way through is unfair to other patients who are waiting in line. Many of them are not as manupilative or as conniving as Taufik!

The Government made themselves look cheap by this uncalled for stunt. It reflects the immaturity and inexperience of our new bosses in power!

Certainly an early minus point for Dato Dr Chua Soi Lek's young administration!


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