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Saturday, May 29, 2004

Rape : Are we on the right track?

We have sadly seen a dramatic increase in the number of rape cases. Some are random victims while others are members of their own family. But what is the psychology behind such actions? On most occasions , only the rapist would know.

However, in most cases especially those involving family members , there are always warning signs. For example, unwanted advances etc. Some blame it on the provocative dressing by females. I believe that this is a spectrum of sexual dysfunction. We have to recognise it and treat it as a disease.

Most sex crimes are done by repeat offenders. This occurs due to the failure of the system to help these individuals. Most are only eager to banish them to lengthy prison terms. None would really offer them proper treatment and counselling especially after their jail term.

Of course, in such crimes, the individual that suffers most is the victim. Most are scarred for life, physically and emotionally. Only time will be the best healer under such circumstance. There is no word that could describe the pain that they have to endure.

There is no excuse to rape. It is a violent and despicable act. The inability to control ones hormones appears to the sole cause of such heinous crimes.

Once again, education plays an important role. Educating males to respect their female counterparts is essential. Chaunivinistic mentality should be discarded. Women should not be portrayed especially by the media as sex objects. But ultimately, the most important element is to educate males on how to cope with raging testosterone levels and the recognition of abnormal urges. They must know where to seek help. Help that guarantees confidentiality.

There is no easy answer. But we now have a problem in our hands and something needs to be done before more souls are hurt.


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