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Tony Blair 2005

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The "Anwar" Saga

By now, most are already aware of the recent controversy concerning a comment posted on Screenshots by a mysterious "Anwar". A derogatory remark was made about Islam Hadhari. Islam Hadhari? What is that? Is this a new branch of Islam? Why can't Islam be Islam? Is the original Islam then inferior to Islam Hadhari? That would be tantamount to blasphemy, would it not? Why was "Anwar" frustrated about Islam Hadhari?

Often Islam Hadhari is mentioned in the same breath as politics.

"Umno has now proven to the world the success of a progressive approach to Islam. Umno must therefore enhance its understanding of the concept of development that we propagate through Islam Hadhari," as said by Badawi.

Perhaps, it is this fact that brews dissenting views about Islam Hadhari. Only UMNO-linked people appear to be talking about Islam Hadhari. What about regular Islam now? More confusion than clarity, it seems.

Even the Badawi administration are not forthcoming when it comes to facts and explanations about Islam Hadhari. Perhaps, they themselves are not totally clear on its concepts. So what is Islam Hadhari?

The Prime Minister said that 'Islam Hadhari' aims to achieve 10 main principles. They are faith and piety in Allah; a just and trustworthy government; a free and independent people; mastery of knowledge; balanced and comprehensive economic development; a good quality of life; protection of the rights of minority groups and women; cultural and moral integrity; safeguarding the environment; and strong defences. He went on. Abdullah said that 'Islam Hadhari' was complete and comprehensive, with an emphasis on the development of the economy and civilisation, capable of building Malay competitiveness.

So Islam Hadhari is a guide to practising Islam. It is meant to "complete" Islam. Is Islam not complete? Why is there a need for Islam Hadhari? If it is a guide to practising Islam, then would the comments by "anwar" be tantamount to blasphemy? He criticized the approach which appears to be motivated by UMNO. He did not blaspheme Islam. It is only coincidental that Islam Hadhari has the word ISLAM in it. A smart political move, perhaps.

I think the authorities have been misguided in this issue. They have equated Islam Hadhari to Islam, which in my opinion, is inaccurate. Does this mean the rest of the Islamic world is not practicing Islam appropriately as envisioned by UMNO?

Think about it!


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