"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Friday, April 08, 2005

Corruption : Nipping it in the bud

From The Star,
Don't accept any gifts, civil servants told

PUTRAJAYA: Civil servants are not allowed to accept any gifts from the public, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Samsudin Osman said.

He said the acceptance of gifts by civil servants could later lead to rampant corrupt practice within the civil service. cont....

It is commendable that the Chief Secretary is putting a stand against corruption. Unfortunately, the case is often "all talk and no action". The Government is not consistent with its fight against corruption. This has resulted in feelings of dissatisfaction among the public regarding the way this menace is tackled.

One viable solution is to make the Anti Corruption Agency an independant body. It only needs to answer to the King. Putting this agency under the Prime Minister's jurisdiction is pretentious. It only reaffirms beliefs that the Government has never been serious in eradicating corruption among its ranks. At this moment, top governmental officers closely aligned to the Prime Minister would be technically immune to investigations.

The recent conviction of 2 politicians of money politics is evident that corruption exists. Unfortunately, money politics are not viewed as a corrupt practice within UMNO and thus invoking only light sentences from its disciplinary board.

An excerpt of an article on Malaysiakini,
Khairy, who is also Abdullah’s son-in-law, told the International Herald Tribune (IHT) in an interview last week that the premier has decided after the general election last year that the government would not dig up past corrupt practices.

The Umno Youth leader was quoted as saying: “We decided not to focus on retroactive actions... but rather look forward” when he responded to criticisms that Abdullah was not pushing hard enough against corruption.

The above statement by Khairy displays our PM's stand on corruption. How can the Government not dig up past corrupt practices when many of the perpetrators remain in positions of power?

He went on to say,
Khairy said ACA investigations are tedious and time-consuming. “We know everyone like to see politicians being brought to court for corruption. My stance on fighting corruption in the past or now has never changed - there must be sufficient evidence”.

Indeed it will be tedious when the the ACA remains under the reigns of his father-in-law. Many investigations without doubt were stifled by top politicians possibly including the PM himself.

Reading statements from politicians makes one disenchanted with the Government and its fight against corruption. There is never a unanimous decision to go all out to stem the tide of corruption. Instead reasons and excuses are aplenty as to why bringing top government officials and politicians to justice is not happening.

If this continues, Malaysia WILL fall one day.


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