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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Bird Flu : Are we really prepared?

From Malaysiakini,
Bird flu emergency plan in place
Nov 12, 05 2:05pm
Malaysia has readied an emergency plan to deal with any bird flu outbreak and allocated RM12.92 million (US$3.4 million) to produce a vaccine for poultry.

Health Minister Dr Chua Soi Lek said in case of an outbreak police patrols would quarantine areas within a three kilometre (4.5 mile) radius of any suspected human case, the New Straits Times reported.

Health officials would go from house to house to check for more infections of the deadly H5N1 virus, he said.

Chua also announced a six-level alert system in the case of an outbreak, with zero meaning the country is free of the virus, Bernama reported. cont...

The Government is trumpetting its readiness to tackle this possible infectious disease nightmare. However, how ready are we actually? During the SARS crisis, Malaysia was lucky to escape the brunt of this unfortunate epidemic unlike our neighbour Singapore. In actual fact, we escaped relatively unscathed. We may not be so lucky this time around.

How prepared are we actually? Are our Emergency Departments well trained to handle a crisis should it erupt? Are there any protocols in place or emergency drills to sharpen our response? How about a contingency plan should our healthcare workers be infected?

Are we really prepared?

Sadly, I fail to see any urgency, at least at the hospital where I work in. There should be debriefings on what the frontline medical staff should do if they suspect a case of birdflu. Isolation wards should be up and ready with relevant equipments in working order. Emergency drills should be performed to ensure that there is no confusion among staff should a case emerge. Infectious disease teams should be set up and communication among diciplines or departments must be smooth flowing. All wards must also be trained likewise should a case be admitted unknowingly. Medical officers on duty must be vigilant. Public health, hospital, police or perhaps the immigration and veterinary departments must be alert and in constant communication. The public should also be encouraged to report sudden bird deaths to the police.

I fear that Malaysia is not prepared contrary to our grandious claims. If we do not buck up, a disastrous outcome is beckoning. God help us all.


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