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Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Road Carnage

From The NST
Festive season road carnage just gets worse
The NST News Team

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30: Malaysian road users do not learn. Seven days into Ops Sikap X, 111 people have lost their lives. This is 29 more deaths than during the same period last Chinese New Year.cont..

Road deaths escalate during every festive season. There is no doubt that there will be more cars on the roads during a festive period. Thus the probability of meeting an accident is much higher.Much of this has been attributed to the carelessness and recklessness of the driver. However, is this the sole cause of such an alarming rate of road accidents during festive periods?

One should look at the quality of our roads. Many roads are built to promote congestion through bottle necks and excessive road junctions, despite it being a highway. The maintenance of such roads also leaves much to be desired with potholes abound.

The safety of cars should also be questioned. How many cars are built with poor specifications? Take a look at Kenari, with its high center of gravity, it does not take much to lose control of this car. Kancils and Kelisas have hardly any security features other than the usual safety belt. The inclusion of airbags have been proven to save lives. Despite this, carmakers in particular Proton and Perodua are refusing to install this very basic safety feature in their cars. Why should anyone buy a Proton? It is like signing your death warrant.

Lastly, I do have to blame irresponsible drivers as a contributor to a high rate of accidents on our roads. I was visiting a shopping complex during the holidays when I noted a car parking in an undesignated spot which obstructed traffic flow. The irony is that there were many available parking bays in sight. Even a trip to the bank during this holiday period was marred by irresponsible parking behaviours when there were ample empty bays. Why?


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