"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Poor Civil Servants

It is apt that the humble pay of our police force is being highlighted. It is quite absurd to expect an excellent force when we are not giving a fair renumeration for their work. A pay as low as $650 is ludicrous and makes a mockery of the profession. It is no wonder that corruption remains a perennial thorn associated with our police force.

To be frank, I think the entire civil service is poorly paid. Perhaps half of civil servants are living close to the poverty line in an era where inflation and the cost of living is spiralling up. Is the government doing enough to ensure that government servants are properly rewarded for their efforts?

Even doctors, nurses and other paramedical or support personnel are poorly paid. They are expected to put in long and at times inhumane hours but yet receive such a paltry pay. Some have said that it is a sacrifice that doctors have chosen to embark on. Perhaps so but we are also mortals with real life expenses and bills. Who is going to pay for our stethoscopes or the neat clothings and shoes that we are expected to wear? How about the housing rent and other miscellanous costs? Bear in mind a 8-year service medical officer gets a basic pay of around $2,500. It is no wonder that much treasured human resource is lost from the civil service.

Many say the civil service in now deplorable but hey this saying sums it all up. "When you pay peanuts, you get monkeys"!

Just guess what they are spending precious government funds on!! Read this


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