"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Immediate goodies for Penang

From The Star
Penang CM announces waivers, new policies (2nd update)

PENANG: Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said Tuesday that the Penang Municipal Council and Seberang Perai Municipal Council will waive all summonses involving hawker licences and parking offences issued before March 11.

Lim made the announcement just hours after being sworn in as Chief Minister.

The government could not estimate how much this involved, but Lim said that the waiver would not affect the councils' operations as it was monies not collected yet.

The announcements are part of the new government's "agenda for change to re-establish rule by the people,'' he said in a statement.

He said it will also review the policy of political appointments in the councils, and would look towards restoring local government elections.

Lim also promised that open tenders will be held for all state government procurement and contracts, adding that an online portal will be set up where information on tender bids would be posted for all to see.

All state government members and civil servants will also be required to publicly declare their assets.

"This is a government that is based on democracy. This is also a government that believes in equal opportunity and social economic justice. We are here to build a dynamic Penang for all,'' he said in the statement.

After sweeping to power in Penang, the DAP-led government is quick to ensure that all its election promises are kept. This is indeed a good start to better governance and perhaps a shining example to other states and also the federal government on how things should be done in a democratic Malaysia. I am encouraged to know that DAP is out to ensure that all Malaysians benefit from economic successes, be it Malay, Chinese or Indians. The time to segregate us by race is over.

DAP, we'll be watching you. This is the best opportunity to help all Malaysians grow and offer help where it is truly needed. At least in the next general election, you can finally use the rhetoric "good track record", something only BN candidates would utter prior.


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