"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Monday, March 03, 2008

A Malaysian Wish

When an election period beckons, it presents us with a time to reflect on how we can change the country for a better future for all concerned. This time around the reflection remains as gloomy as in previous years.

Malaysia remains a country divided along racial lines. The Government's wish to promote a supposedly underpriviledged race has been hijacked by a greedy lot, who happens to also wield the authority in deciding the continuation of this skewed plan. There is no end in sight and hardly a long term plan has been drawn to remove many policies that remain racially charged and highly biased.

As much as the people love Malaysia, such blatant discrimination has erased much affection leading to significant emigration out of this country taking valuable human resources with it. Unfortunately, the government does not seem too bothered so long as the bellies of those concerned are well fed.

A wish that Malaysia will one day be equal for all Malaysians remain a distant dream and I fear that this will not become a reality for many generations to come, if ever. Is there hope for our future generations? Or should we be looking elsewhere to call home?


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