"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Kitar Semula

Recycling has always been advocated by the Government and many non governmental organisations. It is a good way to preserve the Earth's resourses. Almost all things can be recycled in one way or the other. Despite calls to recycle, the response has been mute. Costly advertisements on recycling had not achieved its desired effect and thus our garbage dumps are nearing its capacity. Why has this awareness failed to take root in Malaysian society? Do we not love our environment?

The path to recycling awareness has been hampered by all levels of society from the average citizen to top government agencies. Take the Election Commision for example. Now they are using disposable booths when its metal counterparts could still be used. They should have mentioned or used recyclable booths! More trees need to be felled and we are not even sure if these booths can or are going to be recycled.

Even average citizens are not doing their part. They can't even keep the cleanliness of their environment. How then do you expect them to recycle?

Recycling bins are also inadequate and not strategically located. They are hard to find. It would be ideal if each household could separate their garbage into separate containers for recycling purposes before collection. Perhaps our garbage disposal companies can take the lead.

Some countries provide cash incentives for the return of recyclable goods. For example, the old newspaper collector that gives cash in return. It has been the only purple patch of our recycling endeavours. Perhaps we could extend this concept to other recyclable goods as well.

We need to protect the environment and recycling is important. Just like what was recently being said in TV advertisements, we need to put to practise what we preach!

Kitar Semula


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