"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Friday, April 16, 2004

High Time

In the NST,

Doctors’ salaries to top agenda
Chow Kum Hor


Health Minister Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek knows what it is like to be an
underpaid Government doctor. He also knows that this issue has been around since his days as a houseman in the Johor Baru Hospital in the mid-1970s.

When he meets members of the Malaysian Medical Association on May 6, salaries will be on the agenda.

"I expect remuneration for Government doctors to be among issues to be thrashed out," he said. He was responding to a letter in today's New Straits Times written by a Dr RVM, a pseudonym for a doctor in Government service for the past 10 years.

That is the difference with having a Health Minister who holds a medical degree and has gone through the hardships that only a doctor will know. I only hope that this will translate into positive results.

It is time to review the salaries of doctors. Although it may not solve the manpower shortage, it will at least give respite to some doctors especially those serving in urban areas where the cost of living can be exorbitant.

The MMA has fought for the increase in salary for a long time now. There had been little breakthroughs. Any increase was minimal and does not commensurate with the workload and sacrifice of a government doctor. Someone has to see this and something has to be done.

It is a good first step that the Health Minister recognises this to be a problem, rather than expressing disgust that doctors are unpatriotic and disinterested in their service to the nation, as previously done.

Perhaps that is the difference between a doctor and a lawyer! :)


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