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Tony Blair 2005

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Blame the media

From Yahoo News,
Abducted Aid Worker in Iraq Begs for Life
Fri Oct 22,11:07 PM ET
By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Trembling, haggard and weeping into a tissue, Margaret Hassan, the kidnapped British aid worker who has spent nearly half her life delivering food and medicine in Iraq (news - web sites), begged Britain on Friday to help save her by withdrawing its troops, saying these "might be my last hours." cont....

The media should be blamed in connection with the current spate of kidnappings cum murder in the Middle East and in particular in Iraq. The display of the victims pleading for their lives are indirectly playing along with these vicious kidnappers. These kidnappings are done to publicise an agenda that would otherwise not have been heard. Therefore, to allow the telecast of the victims and those of the kidnappers only serve to promote the successes of such kidnappings. Just as the policy that Governments should never deal with terrorists, so should the media in particular Al Jazeera. The ghastly killings that are often allowed precious airtime will only cement this method as an effective terrorist propaganda. News organisations should ignore direct requests by known terrorists for airtime. It is time to isolate the terrorists and reiterate that the war of terror will never stand the test of time.


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