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Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Changing Sex

The recent call by Suhakam to allow transsexuals to change their gender status in their identity cards, is bound to raise a few eyebrows especially those in the religious fraternity. Transsexualism is still frowned upon in a nation that is continuously being scrutinised by more pious forces. It is seen as a sexual deviation and at times a perversion. If anal intercourse is immoral and illegal, as recently demonstrated, so should these sex change operations. It is afterall an act against the course of nature. On top of that, an individual that has undergone a sex change operation is still essentially a man physiologically. There is little justification to alter his gender status. Likewise, if one is born black, then he would not be able to alter his ethnic background despite expensive cosmetic surgery to look otherwise. There is little justification in Suhakam's calls.

However, transsexuals are normal human beings and ought to be treated fairly. Social barriers should be scaled through education of the general public. These are individuals that need to be understood. It was not of their choice to be attracted to one of same sex or behave more effeminately, contrary to popular belief. Therefore, the fight here should be for the acceptance by the public and to ensure that their basic human rights are not encroached upon. It is an uphill battle in a country that proclaims itself to be Islamic. Even if the current political administration recognises this, they are forced to further isolate these individuals as impure, to avoid being chastised by apparently a more pious opposition.

There is no one else to turn to but themselves. There is little hope for these individuals. They are likely to remain in the periphery of human society, the pariah group, where human dignity and mutual respect will remain a foreign language.


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