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Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Secret's Out

From The NST,

Water-in-petrol complaints

Four motorists got more than fuel at a petrol station in Skudai: The petrol they bought came mixed with water.

Archive Since 1991 Needless to say, their vehicles failed to start.

The petrol kiosk owner, who identified herself only as "Lin", was at a loss to explain how water had entered a fuel tank at the station.cont...

This report did not come as a surprise to me. It has come to my attention, way before this event occurred, that our petrol is often mixed with gasolene so as to maximise profit. There was this source who is a tank driver, who confessed that it is a common practise for them to stop and mix petrol with gasolene. So the next time you pump at a petrol station, you may want to think about the fact that what is going into your petrol tank may not be all petrol! It is high time that spot checks be done at petrol stations to ensure that the consumers get what they are paying for.


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