"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Is criticising politicians a sin?

From The NST,
Shafie: Zohadie can remain VC
June Ramli
Prof Datuk Dr Muhamad Zohadie Bardaie will remain as Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Putra Malaysia even though he allegedly criticised the Minister of Higher Education Datuk Shafie Salleh in a poem recently.cont....

Free speech. A quality still lacking in Malaysian society. Radical and unpopular thoughts are often spat at. Critisicing politicians is also a forbidden sin. Such restrictions will only stunt the creativity of our academic institutions. All are expected to fall in line despite clearly flawed judgements from our top administrators. Authoritarian attitude is rampant and is clearly hampering the freedom to freely express oneself in Malaysia.

We need leaders who are confident in their field of expertise as well as in their own personalities. Attacks supposedly directed at them should be maturely dealt with. There should be no knee jerk response to remove anyone that disagrees with you.

Politicians are not royalty. They are elected representatives and should be open to critisicm no matter how painful they may sound. Often times, it is the truth that hurts the most.


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