"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Diesel Shortage : More than meets the eye

From The NST,

May 2:
Datuk Radzi Sheikh Ahmad suggested that the Internal Security Act be used against diesel smugglers. It is a controversial idea, judging by the response from other politicians. cont...

It is a concern when we can no longer find suitable laws in the country to try these diesel smugglers. Having to resort to the ISA for such crimes is a despicable act by our politicians, who have bungled the entire diesel shortage saga. Such episodes of diesel shortages do not happen overnight and has culminated from years of poor enforcement and corruption. There is a need to get to the bottom of the issue by forming an independant commission to investigate the cause for such an event and its recommendation in preventing its recurrence. The law also needs to be amended to include stiffer punishments for such a crime. Ultimately, diesel smugglers need to be brought to court to stand trial. Perhaps it is during the course of these trials that conspiracies can be exposed.

ISA is detention without trial. The public will never know the true cause for such an acute shortage of diesel. Even worse, an innocent man may be in prison.

The current explanation of diesel shortages is inadequately explained by diesel smuggling alone. I believe that there is more to the story than just diesel smuggling. It is only right that the public demands a more detailed explanation. Wielding authority through the ISA will only stifle any attempt at obtaining the true story and the actual perpetrators of this crime.


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