"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The haunting

In The NST,

Abused boy dies
The eight-month-old suspected abused baby died at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital today. cont....

Another innocent life lost to a senseless act by persons supposedly forming the cornerstones of security for the child. Betraying that innocent trust could be the ultimate abomination in the eyes of God. Perhaps due justice will be served.

The final moments of suffering and despair could never be imagined. Any attempt at constructing the agony of the child as torture is metted out is greeted with utter disgust. One may be tempted to question God as to the lack of devine intervention. Was it part of the plan?

Delving into the minds of the perpetrators of such heinous crimes may be the only solution in our attempts at comprehending such crimes. Finding the answers will not be an easy task. Perhaps the convinience of prosecuting such criminals in the court of law may be the only consolation in our battles against such abuses. Many would argue that understanding such criminals may just be an exercise in futility. Suggestions of rehabilitating such individuals and returning them to society might also be scorned at.

The unimaginable suffering of a young child that could not even enjoy the joys of taking his first walk, will surely invoke anger. It is only feared that the haste to pin blame will relegate justice and a fair trial down the order of importance.

The reality is that we may never be able to fully prevent another death from such abuses. It is only hoped that the scars borne by such innocent lives will be rewarded handsomely in heaven. I can only clutch my hands in silent prayer.

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
--Matthew 5:8


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