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Tony Blair 2005

Friday, July 08, 2005

Terrorism : Perhaps the Era of Bio-Terrorism is near

Condolences to the victims of the London bombing. It was a despicable act and blasphemes the name of God. This act of terrorism only serves to worsen the current fragile situation and does little to resolve issues.

What is more worrisome is that this war will escalate and evolve into a biological warfare. Diseases previously deemed rare but dangerous being intentionally introduced into the society. We got a glimpse of that when anthrax was discovered in the United States several years back. What's next? Plaque? Botulism? Smallpox?

The era of bio-terrorism may inevitably arrive. Being prepared as doctors in such an unfortunate incident is important. It can come in all shapes and forms. It has the ability to hit communities from any direction.

Perhaps we can draw similiarities with the nuclear era and the Cold War. Only now the enemy is highly unconventional and does not comply to norms, basic common sense and much needed humanity. We can only ponder what is in store.

The question is " Are we prepared to act in the event of a biological warfare?

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