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Tony Blair 2005

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Laughter: Certainly the best medicine

Malaysians must learn to laugh more
Wong Yeen Fern | Sep 19, 06 2:10pm

Many of us take laughter for granted. When a person laughs, it’s a sign that he or she is happy.

Looking at the most depressing of elements in a positive light can be the most challenging of art forms. Being able to laugh when sadness fills the air can certainly add flavour that soothes the soul.

Indeed we all should smile and laugh a little more. Not only is it biologically healthy but also spreads the cheer around. It is when we laugh heartily that we momentarily forget the sorrows. The joy, infectious as usual, is welcomed. Tears flow with delight taking our souls to higher ground.

Perhaps this quote sums it all up.
Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life


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