"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A different perspective

I was just reading this article in malaysiakini. It painted a gloomy picture of life, reminding us of our inescapable mortality. Life it seems becomes irrelevant with the penultimate destination being death.

Our daily routine it seems is only a mere distraction. Our bodies occupying only a speck in the spectrum of time. I once read that after 30, one's body starts degenerating. This figure it appears is a point of no return. The journey to death it seems has begun.

The lesson is perhaps the appreciation of life. Examinations, presentations, ward rounds and clinics will then only seem a blurry sideshow in life. Perhaps the only reward is enriching another life and procreation. Even that is short term as much will be forgotten many generations down the road.

So why are we here? I would like to believe that this journey is perhaps necessary, experiencing the essence of living on a isolated planet. Learning lessons that may be useful in future afterlife endeavours perhaps. Just as the universe is beyond comprehension, so is life.

So my friends, maybe we should step back awhile and look at our lives and appreciate the few people that will probably remember you for the rest of their lives. That will be the only imprint we will eventually leave behind.


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