"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Monday, December 25, 2006

Finding your resolution

Not many people sit and write their resolutions for the new year. I certainly have not. Resolutions are just not as simple as just wanting to pass your exams or perhaps a better paying job. That will certainly negate the need to write a resolution annually.

It entails looking back at your life and the direction it is heading. It is like looking at a compass and making sure that you are heading in the intended direction. The destination is life itself and the annual resolution is just a minute checklist along this arduous journey called life.

The year end is always an opportune time to reevaluate and redirect your life. It is when you look at the whole picture, that bumps in life like a poorly paid job, an unrespecting boss or perhaps the betrayal of a friend, become trivialties in life.

Sometimes I wish time could be fast forwarded to the penultimate years. It is afterall the destination in life. Who you are, is perhaps not important but rather who is around you that matters. It is the lives that you have touched and the significance of your presence to others, that prolongs your legacy.

That is, to me, the ultimate resolution.


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