"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Smothering the Internet

The internet is becoming an necessary tool in managing patients. It places the breadth of knowledge at the tips of our fingers. It allows quick references especially when dealing with less common illnesses. Therefore allowing internet access at various locations within the hospitals should have been the route to go. Unfortunately, the reverse is practised at UMMC.

Internet access is blocked at almost all computer terminals. It appears they are trying to discourage the use of the internet at workplaces. A few unwarranted accesses to "forbidden" sites is enough reason to discontinue access to the web. There is little attempt at educating individuals on using the internet responsibly. Therefore instead of encouraging the staff to embrace the information highway, the top managerial echelon felt that it was more beneficial to smother internet use.

Internet can be used in many ways apart from checking one's mail. It's use is expanding and rapid acceptance of this technology is essential if we are to move forward with the rest of the world. As with any tool, there is potential for abuse. However, that should not be the reason to stifle internet access. It can be used to improve patient healthcare and increase efficiency.

It appears many in positions of power lack foresight and appears completely oblivious to the developments surrounding them. More so, many decisions are based on archaic and unteneble logic. It is no wonder UM is sliding down the rankings!


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