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Tony Blair 2005

Friday, March 21, 2008

Blogger friendly cabinet? A new era

The new Information Minister has called for a more friendly approach to bloggers paving the way for a greater recognition and role for bloggers. It can no longer be denied that this new form of reporting has revolutionised reporting worldwide. Perhaps this is how mainstream media will look like in this new century.Even in the US, bloggers are invited to report on political conventions.

It is addictive to read blogs as they give a perspective that is not intertwined with hidden agendas, more so in our Malaysian media where biasness has become an unashamed practice. Unedited reports portray the situation as seen from the blogger's perspective, unpolluted by propagandas.

The role of blogging in the past election is undeniably a favourable factor for the opposition parties. It gives me a feeling of closeness as I read accounts of their struggles, giving a humane face to a usually melodramatic political scene. People could identify and relate with them. Immediate feedbacks through the commenting system also gives a certain level of control to the reader where his/her views on the matter can be aired rather expeditiously. This is way better than the letters section of our local dailies where only a select few with favourable comments would pass the editorial snipers. At last, we could "communicate" with our political leaders. Even Pak Lah tried in vain to jump onto the bandwagon by encouraging internet users to write to our PM via the Warkah untuk PM website. It was however, too little too late.

Ignoring the blogging phenomenon is foolish. Perhaps the first step at reconciling with the blogging world has taken place. The stinging comments of condemnation that were echoing before the election has now melted away. This is a new force to be reckoned with. As the saying goes, when you can't beat them, join them. I would certainly look forward to more MPs blogging especially those from Barisan.


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