"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Surviving Chemo

Cancer has always been a dreaded word. It strikes fear in the hearts of many and reminding us of our own mortality. People believe incorrectly that they will never get it. This perpetual denial often leads to a delay in seeking treatment. This often has catastrophic results.

Having a close family member or friend with cancer can be a very trying time. Conversations can be eerily jovial with fearful undertones. Seeing a drastic change in appearance due to chemotherapy can also be just too much for some. This is a time that families close ranks giving strength to the afflicted.

Personal experiences has thought me much. Being a doctor has no added advantage when we ourselves are on the other end of the conversation. Even if the message is for your family member, the fear and uncertainty of receiving the bad news is evidently felt. Thoughts of losing someone that has been such a towering figure is ... just unthinkable. The dreaded word 'chemo' surfaced and i could still remember the fear. But humankind has been blessed with hidden mysterious inner strengths. Guardian angels some say. Perhaps.

It has now been 2 years after chemo. Gratefully, our dear family member is still with us and in remission. We laugh and joke as we try to forget that dark chapter. But deep down, we live in fear that an active volcano will one day erupt. We can only pray.

National Cancer Society of Malaysia
Hospis Malaysia


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