A Matriarch Lost
A sudden departure. A guiding star disappearing behind the clouds leaving descendants scrambling to find a new direction. The disarray apparent sometimes fanning dissent. This day is expected but not the manner of loss. Consoled by the longevity and good health. She will be greatly missed.
E-Filing: Are we prepared?
As recently reported, e-filing will take immediate effect from next year. How prepared are we in implementing this rule in such a drastic measure? Are Malaysians really prepared to accept this change? Is the IRB well prepared to handle e-filing of tax returns? With the internet penetration in Malaysia still less than desirable, this is undoubtedly going to be a perilous journey. You will be surprised that despite Malaysia occupying 37th spot in a recent survey of e-preparedness, the reality on the ground is probably a little disheartening.
Knowing how to use the computer does not equate being IT literate. I had a browse of the www.hasil.net.my website to have a preview of their website and found the procedure rather confusing. Their translation of English to a Malay language instruction sounds weird and often times confusing. There are not enough help menus. The whole procedure can be a daunting and scary task for many people even those supposedly computer literate.
Ultimately going fully paperless is a foolish venture. There will be places in Malaysia well out of reach of a computer lest an internet connection. There should be 2 systems in place and the method of choice should be left to that particular individual. We are not yet prepared to accept a fully digitised format of tax returns. It should be about practicality rather than a rush to declare oneself an IT advanced nation.