"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Matriarch Lost

A sudden departure. A guiding star disappearing behind the clouds leaving descendants scrambling to find a new direction. The disarray apparent sometimes fanning dissent. This day is expected but not the manner of loss. Consoled by the longevity and good health. She will be greatly missed.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

E-Filing: Are we prepared?

As recently reported, e-filing will take immediate effect from next year. How prepared are we in implementing this rule in such a drastic measure? Are Malaysians really prepared to accept this change? Is the IRB well prepared to handle e-filing of tax returns? With the internet penetration in Malaysia still less than desirable, this is undoubtedly going to be a perilous journey. You will be surprised that despite Malaysia occupying 37th spot in a recent survey of e-preparedness, the reality on the ground is probably a little disheartening.

Knowing how to use the computer does not equate being IT literate. I had a browse of the www.hasil.net.my website to have a preview of their website and found the procedure rather confusing. Their translation of English to a Malay language instruction sounds weird and often times confusing. There are not enough help menus. The whole procedure can be a daunting and scary task for many people even those supposedly computer literate.

Ultimately going fully paperless is a foolish venture. There will be places in Malaysia well out of reach of a computer lest an internet connection. There should be 2 systems in place and the method of choice should be left to that particular individual. We are not yet prepared to accept a fully digitised format of tax returns. It should be about practicality rather than a rush to declare oneself an IT advanced nation.
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