"I believe in a country where hard work and merit, not privilege or background, determines success."
Tony Blair 2005

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Toiling for hours at a stretch, executing commands leveled from all angles and wishing one could miraculously split into two, as work appear as endless heaps. Any mistakes could attract condescending remarks. This may be a familiar scene for many of our house officers on duty.

So young in their careers, yet disillusioned at such important formative years. Shaping a skewed and hardened mentality, that medicine is a cruel game. Many mature into their senior years bent on ensuring that their experiences should not be carried into future generations of doctors. Nevertheless, when the times do come, their earlier noble pledges evaporate, only to condensate as a mould of their much feared tormenters.

Are doctors a bunch of savagers waiting to devour their younglings? Has the profession not thought them about humulity and inevitable mortality for Man? Or has the elevated sense of pride and achievement gone to their heads?

It is only my hope that I, myself, should never spiral into this rapacious trap. But somehow, I fear that at times, it may just be too tempting to bark at a mistake that we may have made many times over in the past.

Perhaps we are all trapped in a cruel world after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Doc,
Yes I am back reading your posts, very nice to read your thought provoking mind. For me I always consider Drs as a God's mediators. Not God but close to God in providing healing and extended life if not quality life. However we are often caught in the worldly ways of making money and making more money and forget the very essense of humanity. It's even the same with the special needs. Teachers teach not because they have the passion and heart but for monetary gains. So....knowing this are we going to let history repeat itself over and over again like a vicious cycle? Or will you be one of those who take the first step to make the difference? Something for you and I to think about. Rgds Tricia

3:42 PM  

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