.. what next?...
It has been a month since I last wrote on this blog. Paucity of topics is certainly not the reason for such silence but the dearth of ideas has led to some re-evaluation of the intended direction.
Much of this blog has been a culmination of frustration with the intention of allowing a vent to release this much needed pressure. It has led to a small 'following' of online comrades. Their commentaries are appreciated although rarely reciprocated as the last thing I need is an unnecessary debate.
Since I started blogging, the explosion of blogs is phenomenal. The recent spectacular fall of BN has led to the realisation of an alternative media that appears to gather steam with each passing year. More political figures, who previously chastised bloggers, have 'relegated' themselves to blog. The latest addition is none other than our former premier, Dr M. (http://www.chedet.com)
There is little need to have a spokesperson in future as much of what that is needed to be said, can be said through blogs. Future elections will no doubt be fought in cyberspace. The US elections is a prime example of campaigning online with each candidate having a website that allows speeches be highlighted and replayed. Even campaign donations can be done online.
Some find it exciting while others shudder at the thought of an electronic device. It may also be inevitable that the internet will soon be the site of a future metropolis. Alright, perhaps that is still light years away.
Soon blogs may be an obsolete past as websites become more interactive. Heck, even the idea of Iron Man may not be too far fetched where electronic access to the web can be continuously accessed in flight!
How I wish I could live to see that era! For now, I'll just have to stick with notebooks and PDAs.
Much of this blog has been a culmination of frustration with the intention of allowing a vent to release this much needed pressure. It has led to a small 'following' of online comrades. Their commentaries are appreciated although rarely reciprocated as the last thing I need is an unnecessary debate.
Since I started blogging, the explosion of blogs is phenomenal. The recent spectacular fall of BN has led to the realisation of an alternative media that appears to gather steam with each passing year. More political figures, who previously chastised bloggers, have 'relegated' themselves to blog. The latest addition is none other than our former premier, Dr M. (http://www.chedet.com)
There is little need to have a spokesperson in future as much of what that is needed to be said, can be said through blogs. Future elections will no doubt be fought in cyberspace. The US elections is a prime example of campaigning online with each candidate having a website that allows speeches be highlighted and replayed. Even campaign donations can be done online.
Some find it exciting while others shudder at the thought of an electronic device. It may also be inevitable that the internet will soon be the site of a future metropolis. Alright, perhaps that is still light years away.
Soon blogs may be an obsolete past as websites become more interactive. Heck, even the idea of Iron Man may not be too far fetched where electronic access to the web can be continuously accessed in flight!
How I wish I could live to see that era! For now, I'll just have to stick with notebooks and PDAs.