Trolls in medicine
Alright, this post is intended to vent some frustration on a certain individual who possesses extremely poor interactive skills. Perpetually holed up in a coccoon and oblivious to the existence of other beings, the process of metamorphosis into a creature began long ago. Perhaps the bombardment of radioactive particles have done some damage to whatever is left. Either a poor insight or a bizzare psychiatrical personality has resulted in such childish temperament. Despite a position that would otherwise be of envy, many shy away, giving little respect to someone who obviously does not deserve that accolade. We do not need such creatures, they are a relic of a bygone era, awaiting his expiry date. Many more are waiting to fill those shoes, eager to forget something totally worth forgetting. There is little hope and only God is left to judge this poor soul.
Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to a very special someone today! :@
Malaysia, once again, famous for all the wrong reasons. However, it is an important part of humanity and has been in existence in all shapes and forms for centuries. There are no rules here, anything goes. It is like creating games for children where the only limitation is one's imagination. So the question is, why do reasonably educated individuals fall for such a scam?
Vulnerability and desperation. When the 'sane' world offers little explanation to a problem, alternative views become a suitable substitute. From health to financial matters, the solutions from alternative sources are sometimes infinite. It's amazing that people will believe almost anything, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. From bizzare rituals to downright ludicrous concoctions, a cure is somehow always around the corner.
The placebo effect do assist alternative solutions to florish. Sure, there will be someone who will feel better and swear by its effectiveness. Clinical trials are almost never performed but those flocking to them could almost result in a stampede.
I remember how at one time a family sweared that a 'doctor' did perform a special surgical techniques that could remove water from the body for congestive cardiac failure, which was sutureless. He came with surgical plasters on his body. The family claimed to have seen blood oozing out and the 'surgeon' plucking things from the body. On removal of the plaster, only a superficial scratch that masqueraded as a surgical scar. It took some convincing talk before the family admitted that it was just a scam. They paid a few thousand ringgit for that.
Now that the Ministry of Health is allowing traditional medical practices to be set up in a hospital, i wonder if this will lend legitimacy to dubious claims or drugs. What regulations are in place and is evidence-based care important for this branch? Or are we perfecting the art of shooting ourselves in the foot!
I find this report recently in a local daily as perplexing. Slashing the budget of healthcare pushing the Minister of Health into a begging mode is ridiculous. When a hospital does not have a proper and well equipped emergency room, there should be an urgent need to rectify the situation.
Instead, there is a budget cut. Such development funds are vital to ensure that Malaysia stays at a satisfactory level of healthcare provision. As the current situation stands, there is already a lack of monetary backing in research and development, a field so vital if we are to become a developed nation in the near future. Sadly, the infrastructure itself is lagging behind in acceptable standards and certainly not to mention the human capital.
The public expects a high standard of healthcare but the mismatch in funding is glaringly evident. I suggest a budget cut in military spending which remains a huge priority, be made. Acquiring submarines in this neck of the woods is foolish as it is geographically inappropriate and certainly adds little to the line of defence.
Healthcare budgets worldwide is forever expanding. A more prudent spending and planning is essential, a well known fact even to any non-economists.