The haunting
In The NST, Abused boy dies SEREMBAN, Sat: The eight-month-old suspected abused baby died at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital today. cont.... |
Another innocent life lost to a senseless act by persons supposedly forming the cornerstones of security for the child. Betraying that innocent trust could be the ultimate abomination in the eyes of God. Perhaps due justice will be served. The final moments of suffering and despair could never be imagined. Any attempt at constructing the agony of the child as torture is metted out is greeted with utter disgust. One may be tempted to question God as to the lack of devine intervention. Was it part of the plan? Delving into the minds of the perpetrators of such heinous crimes may be the only solution in our attempts at comprehending such crimes. Finding the answers will not be an easy task. Perhaps the convinience of prosecuting such criminals in the court of law may be the only consolation in our battles against such abuses. Many would argue that understanding such criminals may just be an exercise in futility. Suggestions of rehabilitating such individuals and returning them to society might also be scorned at. The unimaginable suffering of a young child that could not even enjoy the joys of taking his first walk, will surely invoke anger. It is only feared that the haste to pin blame will relegate justice and a fair trial down the order of importance. The reality is that we may never be able to fully prevent another death from such abuses. It is only hoped that the scars borne by such innocent lives will be rewarded handsomely in heaven. I can only clutch my hands in silent prayer. God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. --Matthew 5:8
Proton : On the brink of destruction?
From Bernama, May 25, 2005 21:49 PM Proton Adviser Laments Influx Of Foreign Cars
PUTRAJAYA, May 25(Bernama) -- Proton Holdings Bhd adviser Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Wednesday lamented the level of importation of foreign cars so much so that there seems to be no more protection for cars made by the national car manufacturer.
The former prime minister said that cars were even being imported from countries which did not allow Proton into their markets. cont... |
Proton cars have been synonymous with poor quality. The safety features of the car is also suspect. Therefore the importation of cars deemed superior to Proton is definitely a welcomed move for most car buyers. At last, there are cheaper options available apart from Proton. Unfortunately, despite acknowledging the emergence of new competition, Proton has done little to redeem itself. Instead its higher echelon of managers have repeatedly lamented on the lack of protection that Proton receives. Disappointingly, our former Prime Minister, so often praised for his progressive mentality, has decided that regressing back to protectionist policies is the best advice. He should instead be spurring Proton on to take up the challenge of competing in a more globalised market. In order to do that, there has to be quality improvements in Proton cars. New marketing strategies has to be drawn up to effectively penetrate foreign markets. Perhaps convincing Malaysians first on the reliability of Proton should be the ultimate goal before thinking of effectively penetrating foreign markets. Relying on protection from the Government will carry with it long term repercussions and will inevitably destroy the company. As other car manufacturers strive for cheaper high quality cars, Proton should follow suit. Mahathir's folly with the implementation of the New Economic Policy should not be repeated with Proton. It is time Proton competes for the loyalty of customers. The failure to do so will only spell the end for a venture that was probably too premature and unnecessary.
My quiet corner
Life has a habit of twisting when you least expect it. It leads you to a path of euphoria only to divert you back to realistic sanity. It offers you joy and laughter at an instant when sadness paints the background. It remains a path unchartered with each step sending ripples even in the calmest of seas. It remains mysterious as it is predictable. It makes one most vulnerable just when courage to confront beckons. It leaves one in turmoil beneath the scenic surface. It is wished that life was simpler without the increasing burden that each step into the unknown brings.
American Idol : Chemistry brewing?
With all the negative publicity surrounding Paula Abdul tarnishing the grandeur of this American Idol competition, I found it rather refreshing to see signs of some chemistry between Anthony Fedorov and Carrie Underwood. Their outward innocence makes them such a compatible couple. It was indeed touching when Fedorov appeared to be singing his post-elimination song to Carrie and she reciprocated that with " I love you too!". Beautiful! :) ps Was it just coincidence that they both chose the same song to sing in the last round?
UMNO Youth : In reverse gear
From The NST Update, Umno Youth wants Malay students' enrolment statistics Ahmad Fairuz Othman
KUBANG PASU, May 7: Umno Youth wants the Higher Education Ministry to provide data on the enrolment of Malay students in critical courses at universities.
The movement, through its education bureau, plans to get the exact number of Malays in courses such as medicine, law, engineering and pharmaceutical studies.
Umno Youth vice-chief Khairy Jamaluddin suggested that the ministry brief the movement’s education bureau to give a clearer picture of Malay enrolment in public universities.
"This matter has to be proven with statistics. If the data shows that the Malays are lagging behind, then we would suggest for the system to be reviewed," he said after officiating the Kubang Pasu Umno Youth delegates meeting today. |
UMNO Youth represents a crop of new politicians which are adamant at regressing rather than spurring the young generation of Malays to strive hard for successes based on their ability. Gaining success based on priviledge and background is like building a castle on shifting sand. Such strategies will only backfire in the long run and will relegate the entire race to obscurity in the coming future. Medicine is a field that should not compromise on standards. It not only endangers the future of healthcare in our country but this gimmick will only become a laughing stock to many. It reflects poorly on Malaysians and in particular the Malay race. Reviewing meritocracy when it never existed is indeed ironic. In addition, any further pampering will only give birth to a race which is vacuous. In an era of globalisation, competitiveness is the key to greater heights. There are no shortcuts with the alternative being a generation in oblivion. I only hope that a young politician in not gambling on the future of a race, just to gain short-term political mileage.
Man's Curse
Being a loner could be bad for your heart James Meikle, health correspondent Monday May 2, 2005 The Guardian
Being a loner could be bad for your heart - if you are a man, at least.
Men with few social connections have the highest levels of a blood marker for inflammation that has been linked to atherosclerosis, the blocking of the arteries. cont.... |
The ironic thing that someone once told me "You can't live with them, but you can't live without them either". Being a loner may be bad for your physical heart. However, not being one could expose one to heart breaks! ;-) . On a more serious side, indeed social connections are important as "no Man is an island". Isolation only indicates the frailty of one's mind. Mixing around will definitely add colour to one's life. Taking in the positives in life may be the only way forward. Nevertheless, having one's own space and quiet time is also essential and healthy. Ultimately, no Man opts to be a loner. It is against the instincts of Man. Perhaps some choose to be more private while others are more outgoing. Males also tend to keep problems to themselves while their female counterparts tend to share them with relatives and close friends. Ultimately, the two sexes, despite being humans, are two very distinct creatures. Their strengths and weaknesses vary, so do their actions and resolve to life's problems. At the end of the day, males could pay for their unwillingness to share their innermost thoughts with another but instead prefer the bottom of a glass!
The Match
 | vs |  |
Big match! Alright I can be a football junkie. But I do not think I can stay up that late for the match..!!! It gets exciting when you are supporting a team on the pitch. Otherwise a match can be pretty boring! So I will probably be snoozing when the kickoff time arrives! Predicted score LIVERPOOL 1 CHELSEA 2
Diesel Shortage : More than meets the eye
From The NST, STOPPING DIESEL SMUGGLERS: Is ISA the answer? May 2: Datuk Radzi Sheikh Ahmad suggested that the Internal Security Act be used against diesel smugglers. It is a controversial idea, judging by the response from other politicians. cont... |
It is a concern when we can no longer find suitable laws in the country to try these diesel smugglers. Having to resort to the ISA for such crimes is a despicable act by our politicians, who have bungled the entire diesel shortage saga. Such episodes of diesel shortages do not happen overnight and has culminated from years of poor enforcement and corruption. There is a need to get to the bottom of the issue by forming an independant commission to investigate the cause for such an event and its recommendation in preventing its recurrence. The law also needs to be amended to include stiffer punishments for such a crime. Ultimately, diesel smugglers need to be brought to court to stand trial. Perhaps it is during the course of these trials that conspiracies can be exposed. ISA is detention without trial. The public will never know the true cause for such an acute shortage of diesel. Even worse, an innocent man may be in prison. The current explanation of diesel shortages is inadequately explained by diesel smuggling alone. I believe that there is more to the story than just diesel smuggling. It is only right that the public demands a more detailed explanation. Wielding authority through the ISA will only stifle any attempt at obtaining the true story and the actual perpetrators of this crime.